Nurse's Corner

Our nurse is Nurse Tsee . If medication must be administered at school, the medication must be furnished by the parent and turned in to the clinic.
All medicines must:
be in the original container
properly labeled
be accompanied by a written request signed by the parent/guardian and/or physician prescribing the medication, identifying the medicine, the amount and time(s) to be given, and the length of time the student will be taking the medication.
Students may not carry prescription or non-prescription medications with them to any class. Any exceptions must be approved by the principal with written notes from the parent/guardian and the student's doctor, or the school nurse may make an exception temporarily when unusual circumstances exist.
A doctor's authorization is required for any of the following:
Any medication given for more than 10 school days
Any controlled drug
Emergency medications kept in hand; i.e., inhalers, epi-kits (physician instructions required)
Annual update of doctor's authorization for long-term
For the protection of all students, a child with any of the following illnesses will not be permitted to remain in school, and the parent/guardian will be notified to come pick up their child.
Fever of 100.4 or more
Suspected contagious disease
Cannot remain comfortably in class
Undetermined rash
If your child has any of the above symptoms before coming to school, please keep him/her at home. Your child should be free of fever for 24 hours prior to returning to school. When contacted by the school to pick up your child, it is important that you pick up him/her as soon as possible. Any release from school must have the verbal consent of the parent/guardian.