Campus Information


Regular and punctual attendance is important and expected.  Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom at 8:35 a.m. Because of the state's compulsory attendance laws and regulations governing school attendance, excessive tardies and absences can result in official warnings and court hearings.  If your child must be absent, please call the school before 8:30 a.m.  For the safety of our children, if you do not call the school, someone will attempt to contact you at work or at home to verify your child's absence.  It is also necessary when the child returns to school to send a note signed by the parent stating the specific reason for the child's absence within three school days.  Medical verification from a doctor may be required.

If a child needs to be taken out of school during the day, the parent must come to the office to sign for the child.  Requests for the release of a child to another person listed on the registration card must be made in writing and must be dated and signed by the parent.  Picture identification will be required for anyone signing a child out of school.

YIS Nutrition Guidelines:

  • Snacks from home may not be shared with any other student.​

  • Parents cannot bring food or drinks to school for any student other than their own children.​

  • To maintain campus safety, commercial food service deliveries are not allowed for students during the school day. –GrubHub, UberEats, DoorDash, and all other food delivery services.​

  • Parents can only drop off food for their child at their lunchtime. ​

  • Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.