Welcome to Alief ISD Multilingual Programs Department
In Alief ISD, we serve a culturally and linguistically diverse population with over 100 languages.
Our Role
The Alief ISD Multilingual Programs Department is dedicated to developing language and content in both English and other Languages through strong programs and research-based pedagogy.
Our Vision
The Alief ISD Multilingual Programs Department will ensure equal access to meaningful, stellar programs for students, staff, and parents to develop model citizens who thrive in and impact the world.
Our Mission
The Alief ISD Multilingual Programs Department will ensure the consistent implementation of research-based best practices and work collaboratively to develop highly trained staff in order to move students along the continuum of language and content to provide an exemplary education
Who are Emergent Bilingual Students?
Students whose first language (L1) is a language other than English and who have been identified as limited in English per assessments are known as Emergent Bilingual Students or Limited English Proficient (LEP). These terms are used interchangeably.
How does Alief ISD identify Emergent Bilingual Students for Bilingual and ESL Programs?
Students with languages other than English on the Home Language Survey are administered an oral language proficiency test (grades PK-12), reading norm-referenced test (grades 2-12), and language norm-referenced test (grades 2-12) to determine language proficiency in English. If a student meets Emergent Bilingual students identification criteria, the student's parent(s) will be offered an ESL or Bilingual program.