Identification and Assessment Information

All students currently enrolled in Alief Schools are eligible for testing for the gifted programs. Students who are not currently enrolled will not be tested.
The purpose of the gifted identification, referral and screening process is to identify students who perform or show the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who:
Gifted & Talented Services are for students who:
Exhibit high performance capability in an intellectual or creative area
Excel in a specific academic field
General Information
Testing Information
Permission to test must be obtained from parents before the screening process may begin.
Parent Link to Test
Referral Window
The district will set a referral window each school year. During this window, students may be referred by teachers, counselors, administrators, parents, or themselves. As group test scores become available, campuses will review the data to identify potential students for the program.
Screening Procedures
Screening will be conducted once a year. Screening results are evaluated by the campus gifted committee before placement is determined. Summer testing will be provided for students who were not in attendance at an Alief ISD school during the screening window.
Screening tools may include, but are not limited to a measure of cognitive ability (CogAT), academic ability (Iowa Test of Basic Skills), creativity (Torrance), student work, portfolios, evaluation forms, and observable behaviors.
Selection Committee
Each campus elects a GT Campus Committee to review the referral, identification, and selection process, as well as the instructional design and delivery of the program. This committee should be composed of at least three people. Suggested members include an administrator, teacher, counselors, and specialists. Members of the committee must be current in the required GT training.